
Abandoned Golf Course

  Abandoned Golf Course now apart of Bear Creek Park and what is left of it. Just the Golf Cart Shed and the machine that was used to charge them. The power lines were still up but I don’t think there was anymore power going through them. Anyway cool find but wish the actual building was still there. Looks like it was torn down and some point. Looks to have been abandoned since 2017. Will keep looking.

Pet Sitting & A New Client

Went into Downtown Houston today to pet sit for my regular client that I visit once or twice a week. And at the of the day I had a new client to visit. I feel like it went well. I was worried that the Terrier would not like me but we bonded right away and was able to take him on a short walk. It did not look like he ate much of his food so am hoping he more of it by the time that I stop by tomorrow.  Speaking of tomorrow…Hoping to do some Christmas shopping and see one of my friends. Will catch you guys later!